There are various animals in Farmville. Most of them are acquired through gifts, but a few can be bought using cash or coins. There are also seasonal animals like the elephants. The following list of animals is a guide to determine where and how to get different animals in Farmville.
1. Chickens - There are four different types of chickens in Farmville-White, Brown, Black and Golden. The white chicken, which is the most common, is the only one who can be gifted, while the remaining three can only be acquired from the market for some cash. These animals produce an egg every day, and each egg sells for 8 coins and yields 5 exp points. In order to eliminate the hassle in harvesting the eggs, Zynga created a Chicken Coop which can be purchased for 5,000 coins. It is a building which can hold up to 20 chickens and allows egg harvesting simultaneously in 1 time.
2. Cows - The only way to have a cow is ask your friend to give you one. Cows are not available in the market. You might be wondering why some farms have multi-colored cows, those cows are just adopted. Sometimes, your friends would find some lonely cows wandering in their farm. Once you see such alert message on your Facebook homepage, immediately adopt the cow before anyone else does so you could take the cow. Each cow produces milk everyday, to be sold for 6 coins each, and just like chickens, there is also a special building called Dairy Farm to store them. This building, which yields 100 exp upon building, can be bought for 10,000 coins from the market.
3. Sheep - There are two types of sheep-a white and a black. The white sheep can either be gifted or bought for 700 coins. The black, on the other hand, can only be adopted. Sheep can produce wool every 3 days, and the product can be sold for 28 coins.
4. Horse - Normally, the horse can only be obtained as a gift, but during the Christmas season, a special horse named Clydesdale can be purchased from the market for 12 Farm Cash. It will take 3 days for you to gather horse hair which can be sold for 84 coins. Horses can be placed in front of wagons to create a more "realistic" effect of their job.
5. Rabbits and Goats - These animals can only be gifted. You won't find them in the market. Rabbits produce angora wool in 4 days, and goats produce milk in 2 days. The products you could obtain from these animals are more expensive than those that can be purchased.
6. Pig - The pig can be bought for 1,000 coins in the market. Its truffles, which are produced every 2 days, can be sold for 30 coins each.
7. Duck and Swan - Ducks can be gifted to give out down feathers every 2 days. Occasionally, ugly ducklings can be found by your friends, and if you're lucky enough to adopt one, you have the option to turn that ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.
8. Cats - Sometimes, black cats are found by your friends wandering on their farm. You may adopt them, and brush them to obtain 86 coins. A special cat named Orange Tabby, is available for sale in the market. It costs 9 Farm Cash.
9. Elephants - Reindeer, Turkeys, Bears, Turtles, Penguin, Calf, Flamingo and other animals You might also be wondering where they come from, why some people have these kind of animals. They used to be available in the market a while ago, but were only for a short period of time. These are just limited edition animals. So it's your option to collect them whenever they're available.
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